Today, I made a circuit of the Hog's Back from Guildford, broadly with the idea of going to Farnham on the NCN22 to the south, then returning on the Christmas Pie Trail to the north. Here's the map.
I started from the car park at the Wood Street cricket ground intending to cycle in to Guildford on the Christmas Pie Trail (CPT) to pick up the NCN22 in town. However, when I reached the end of the CPT on the edge of Park Barn, I discovered that the bridleway to the Research Park has been improved: at least, I hadn't noticed it before, and decided to explore. I took this track through the woods, round the Research Park perimeter road and through the University Halls of Residence, then onward up the hill past the sports ground and across the Manor Farm lands (scene of controversial development proposals). This brought me to the field in front of Beechcroft Drive, which is sited with beautiful views to the north, but a horrendous exit for residents' cars to the A3. I walked across this field to the footbridge over the A3 (I've never been over this before: great views to the north), then cut through High View Road to attain the NCN22 across the Farnham Road, at the top of Down Lane.
Following NCN22 through Puttenham and Seale to Farnham station was straightforward (mercifully, the pot holes on the Puttenham Golf Course track were only partially, not totally, flooded). Having reached Farnham station, I wanted to join the Christmas Pie Trail at its start at the Shepherd and Flock roundabout: I eventually achieved this via the North Downs Way which starts adjacent to the A31 just down from Farnham station. However, this requires pushing on a footpath, and it may be better to use the 'Scholars Way' beside the Wey (I have marked a suggested route on the map, but haven't cycled it yet).
After tea at the very pleasant Mill Stream tea rooms, I followed the CPT back to the car at Wood Street, always a great off road route, though slightly sticky in parts following recent rain.
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