Guildford - Eashing circuit

I took advantage of the clocks going back an hour to make an 'early' start for my morning's circuit. It was one of my first outings with my new bike, a like-for-like replacement for my Raleigh Pioneer which I reluctantly retired following my LEJOG ride this summer. The new Pioneer has suspension forks and wider tyres, so I took the chance to try it out on some off-road tracks (route here).

I avoided Guildford town centre by crossing Merrow Downs, and Pewley Down to descend to Shalford Park. Then I took the familiar route to Hascombe, including the Downs Link. I continued by lanes and bridleways to Eashing, which I had never visited before: there is an attractive bridge over the Wey. The return to Guildford was via Puttenham via the NCN22: fortunately, it having been dry, the potholes on the stretch across Puttenham golf course have not yet filled with water.

It was a great autumn morning, with leaf colour to match.

Eashing Mill

Bridge at Eashing, originally built by the monks of Waverley Abbey, according to the NT sign 

Bridge over the A3 nr Eashing

Campsite nr Shackleford, dedicated to 'say yes more', apparently

Autumn colours, nr Compton

View SE over Surrey Hills, from NCN22 nr Henleys Fort

Raleigh on the Guildford town bridge.
The Raleigh did well and the extra large 'granny' gear made short work of the hills.
