Denbies Vineyard Cycle Circuit

 Denbies Wine Estate near Dorking has recently opened a new path through the vineyard. Today I used it to make a short cycle circuit, as shown on the map in green. I have also shown Route 22 of the National Cycle Network (NCN22) (in red), and show (in orange) how a route through the Vineyard, combined with a very pleasant route through the National Trust's Landbarn Farm estate, could provide a quiet off-road alternative for cyclists wishing to avoid the rather busy centre of Dorking.

I started from the National Trust car park at Denbies Hillside on Ranmore Common. From here I cycled down the Ranmore Road and nipped off on the right hand side where the road goes over the old estate carriage road, which is a good gravel track. Care is needed to descend the short but steep bank to reach the carriage road.  
The track goes back under the road using a tunnel....

...and descends ....

...turn left up bridleway (short, quite steep section)... new back gate to vineyard

Take the track....

...which soon emerges at the vineyard proper....

Box Hill in distance

Descends to winery and visitor centre


A takeaway hatch was operating (this was first day of lock-down 2)

Good bridleway ascends from Visitor Centre...

... views over vineyard to Box Hill

Upper estate road....

..contours above vineyard...

View across Mole Valley

View back over Mole Valley

Return to start, passing the impressive St Barnabas Church, Ranmore, built by the Cubitts, the original owners of the Denbies estate

Good views from Denbies Hillside

NCN22 alt: Landbarn Farm track (in summer)

The old carriage road rising from Landbarn Farm (in summer)
