Surrey Hills: Wolvens Lane resurfaced

Wolvens Lane is a Public Byway in the Surrey Hills, running for about 3 miles between the villages of Wotton and Coldharbour. I tried riding it during lock-down this summer, and discovered that, as a byway open to all traffic, 4x4s and motor bikes had created deep ruts which made this a very difficult route for all but the most experienced mountain bikers. This autumn (2020), the Surrey Hills AONB has had it resurfaced with a good gravel base, so it now provides an enjoyable ride in  its own right, and a useful traffic-free link to the many lanes and paths in the Surrey Hills. Presumably, soon the 4x4s will return and churn it up again, so make the most of it! Here's a map.

Wolvens Lane is shown in orange. NCN22 running between Guildford and Dorking is shown in purple, along with a linking route on bridleways in green. A route over Coldharbour Common is shown in blue, one of many which could be followed to make a circuit. 
Typical new surface

Start of Wolvens Lane where it leaves Sheephouse Lane at Wotton.
The blocks are to prevent access by 4x4s during resurfacing.

Photos show quality of the new surface

Heading from Wotton to Coldharbour, the path rises steadily 

There are occasional views over the surrounding countryside (here looking East to Box Hill)

Some short stretches have not been resurfaced, but were reasonably firm

Plough Inn and shop at Coldharbour (dispensing take away coffee during lock-down)

Christmas is a coming

I came back via Coldharbour cricket ground, high on the slopes of Leith Hill

Coldharbour Common

On the return route, Whiteberry Road along Broadmoor Bottom was quite muddy

I followed Sheephouse Lane back to Wotton


  1. The 4x4s may not bother- some of them seem to enjoy making poor paths worse as a motivation!Looks another good route once lockdown eases again!


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