King Alfred's Way: South Downs Way, Queen Elizabeth Country Park to Winchester

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If you're doing the KAW in the prescribed order as a clockwise circuit from Winchester, then this will be the final section (but I still have to do the Ridgeway and Thames Path to Reading). 

On this rather grey late summer day, I took the train to Petersfield and climbed back to where I left off the KAW above Buriton. I then followed the KAW to Winchester, which mainly uses the South Downs Way. It was a 4 mile climb to the start from Petersfield Station, then some 30 miles to Winchester station, taking me some 7 hours in all. It is a rough ride, with a mixed bag of surfaces, and lots of climbs (=walks) and descents, rewarded by views across chalk downland, especially from highpoints like Butser Hill and Old Winchester Hill. 

Here's a map.

Here's the story in photos.

On the train to Petersfield: bit of a tight squeeze

Track ascending from Halls Hill entrance to QECP

Track to right descends to.....

... QECP Visitor Centre cafe

The monster climb up Butser (Buster?) Hill

Looking back to the busy A3

Distant views were limited on this rather cloudy day

Typical SDW pics

The track descending from Wether Down is narrow and gets stoney: take care!

Concrete track descending to Meon Springs

Cafe at the Meon Springs fishery

Tough ascent from Meon Springs

Ramparts of Old Winchester Hill

OWH is popular viewpoint (no cycling, push your bike)

Tricky descent from OWH

Great descent to Meon Valley

Meon Valley railway trail

Ploughing in 21st century England

SDW north of the A272 crossing

Cheesefoot Head 

Leave SDW and head on 'Pilgrims Trail'

Bridleway heading into Winchester from the South (bit of a sting in the tail)

Cross M3 on this bridge

St Catherine's nature reserve

Handlebar Cafe on the old railway route into Winchester

Obligatory call on King Alfred
