LEJOG Day 16: Kinross to Bridge of Cally

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Weather: generally cloudy, sunny intervals, no rain

Stats: 44.3 miles;  ave speed moving  10.3 mph

Counties: Perth and Kinross

GPS track mapLink here

This was a relatively undemanding, and hence welcome, day, cycling through the Perthshire countryside. Having cycled through Perth, I stopped off at the Palace of Scone, although primarily to avail myself of their coffee shop. When I arrived at Blaigowrie, the official route from there to our hotel at Bridge of Cally was along the A93 which seemed a bit busy for me, so I went off-piste, taking the back road via the village of Drimmie. This was worth the significant climb for the views South and West, and also for a look at the Drumderg wind farm. My arrival at the hotel from the 'wrong' direction caused some surprise.
Joe goes native

Descending towards Perth plain

In Perth 

Perthshire countryside 

Perthshire hills 

Copper beech avenue

Drumderg windfarm
